Bette Kidane, MS

Bette Kidane, MS

Senior Director of Learning & Development
Intermountain Health

Bette Kidane works as Senior Director of Learning & Development at Intermountain Health. Bette has a deep background in learning and organizational development, having served organizations in a variety of industries as a learning leader, consultant, and coach. Bette has developed and led award-winning teams, strategies, and programs; her strengths are learning strategy, analytics and ROI, leadership and team development, diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, and instructional design. As a coach, Bette is a thought partner who supports acting with courage to make a difference.

11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Oceana C

Unlocking Potential at All Levels: The Transformative Value of Coaching Across the Enterprise

<p>Coaching has evolved from an executive-focused practice to an enterprise-wide capability driving performance, engagement, and growth. This session will include case studies from Excellence Award-winning organizations and small-group discussions to share success stories among attendees. We will explore how to maximize the impact of coaching programs at their organization. </p> Moderator: Claude Werder, SVP and Principal Analyst, Brandon Hall Group<br> •Jill Juran, Talent Solutions Manager & Professional Coach, Cox<br> •Bette Kidane, MS, Senior Director of Learning & Development, Intermountain Health <br><br> <img src="" alt="HRCI Approved Provider" style="width:50px;height:50px;"> <img src="" alt="SHRM Recertification Provider" style="width:50px;height:50px;"> <img src="" alt="ATD Preapproved Education Provider" style="width:50px;height:50px;"> <br><br>HRCI: The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.